Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cruz is in!

SHEEPLE have become what they hated!  BIRTHERS!

We have a Cancer On The pResidency! Truth Detector.
Yeah, That's Me Too!
Yes, Liberals changed the game, we must play with the hand we were dealt! If usurper Obama's only claim to legitimacy is having an American Mother, Hell Cruz has that as well! At least we know where Ted Cruz was born before the Election, Hell after 6 years of usurper Obama, we still have NO LEGITIMATE PROOF of his FANTASY birth in Hawaii! If I can't VOTE for CRUZ, I WON'T BE VOTING! Make note Conservatives! New Media grade? X, because I no longer believe or watch them for my news! Needless to say, anybody they back, I WON’T!
The Donald for V.P.
Louis Birther IS ,Grand Birther, Louis Gamber,takion1_2000@yahoo.com
on Facebook and on google+, my website is http://obamafakeandfraudulent.blogspot.com/
WINNING! Obama is REJECTED, No Positive Legacy!

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