Saturday, February 28, 2015

Nobody Allowed Close To Obama Origins

Confession: Washington Times Editor; Obama Not Vetted; Nobody Allowed Close To Obama Origins Read more at
Grand Birther was RIGHT!


A Muslim who practiced Islame!

I can't wait for you to get what you have coming, A bullet in your worthless fucking head!

Cut, Copy, and Paste! Due to communism we must share the old fashioned way! Cut, Copy, and Paste and share away!

If You Hadn't of gotten yourself so addicted to Obama ASS-CRACK, You would have known that QUEER was a Muslim who practiced Islame!

How did America get this damn Stupid!
Sharpen the knives and load your guns, get ready for a revolution! Sergeant At Arms, Do Your Fucking Job!
Communism is here, Anyone Noticed?

How did America get this damn Stupid!

How did America get this damn Stupid!
Sharpen the knives and load your guns, get ready for a revolution! Sergeant At Arms, Do Your Fucking Job!
Communism is here, Anyone Noticed?

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A vile addiction to Obama ASS-CRACK!

Political correctness is killing this country, just like that vile addiction to Obama ASS-CRACK! Obama has committed TREASON! He deserves DEATH FOR HIS CRIME!
This picture was BANNED from facebook, WHY?