Sunday, March 30, 2014

Accept No more Treason!

Bullets In The Head Is The Only Acceptable Punishment For Treason!
It Must Be Done!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Dr Taitz: Obama's Two Names; Boyles Blasts Obama's Phony

Courtesy of Birther Report.

When is the fraudulent and traitorous Obama going to be prosecuted???

Bernie Madoff’s Five Little Helpers Are Going To Prison. When is the fraudulent and traitorous Obama going to be prosecuted???

Monday, March 24, 2014

Law Enforcement Calls Obama Felon, Imposter

Law Enforcement Calls Obama Felon, Imposter!


Bullets in the head for all CONVICTED TRAITORS!

We have a usurper and that is treason! The wages of sin is death and the punishment for treason is death after a conviction! Convict the usurper of treason and then sentence him to death as a traitor! It must be done or we have no protection for our Constitutional Republic!

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Citizenship, like membership, is a term that is conceptual in nature, and that concept follows certain laws, and those laws are both natural laws and human laws.

If you are covered by one, you are not, -and do not need to be, covered by the other.

They are two completely different origins of membership, just as with natural children and adopted children. One child comes by nature, -the other comes by allowance of government.

You do not need the government’s permission if your child came by nature, but you cannot avoid needing the government’s permission if it did not.

But both are embraced as equal because in America we are all about equality.

But we make one very sane and wise exception to our otherwise universal equality, and that is when it comes to the awesome force of the Martial and Military and Nuclear power of the nation.

For the man that would be given the scepter of such power, we require than he be wholly one of us, and not partially tied to others via blood ties, natural inheritance, foreign birthright membership.

He cannot command us and our armies unless he is 100% of us and no others. 100% American by primal connection, by blood relationship, by natural birthright, by inheritance, by descent from citizen parents. Such an American is a natural born citizen of America.

No other kind of person is. - A. Nash

Posted by giveusliberty1776 at 4:32 PM


Obama has set a precedent, usurpation is now legal, place of birth no longer matters. Ted Cruz is now legally eligible to be POTUS, Thanks to Obama the usurper.

Bullets in the head for all convicted traitors!

Citizenship, like membership, is a term that is conceptual in nature, and that concept follows certain laws, and those laws are both natural laws and human laws.

If you are covered by one, you are not,-and do not need to be, covered by the other.

They are two completely different origins of membership, just as with natural children and adopted children. One child comes by nature,-the other comes by allowance of government.

You do not need the government’s permission if your child came by nature, but you cannot avoid needing the government’s permission if it did not.

But both are embraced as equal because in America we are all about equality.

But we make one very sane and wise exception to our otherwise universal equality, and that is when it comes to the awesome force of the Martial and Military and Nuclear power of the nation.

For the man that would be given the scepter of such power, we require than he be wholly one of us, and not partially tied to others via blood ties, natural inheritance, foreign birthright membership.

He cannot command us and our armies unless he is 100% of us and no others. 100% American by primal connection, by blood relationship, by natural birthright, by inheritance, by descent from citizen parents. Such an American is a natural born citizen of America.

No other kind of person is.- A. Nash

Posted by giveusliberty1776 at 4:32 PM

Mitch is Obama's bitch, he is addicted to Obama ass-crack! I am a newly minted Republican and I won't be voting for his stupid ass because he has allowed a usurper and traitor to run this country into the ground!

What we have in the White House.
Charles Manson was idolized by William Ayers of the weather underground who is an associate of the usurper Obama.

Racist, really ???
Since Obama is a Cracker-Nigger, are we racist against his White or Black side, and since he does not want to acknowledge his White side does that make him racist as well?

Video Two Highlights:

Briefed-in Bill Clinton's people that Obama was not eligible, Bill sat on it, initially kept it from Hillary...

Clintons have a trail of dead bodies going from Little Rock to Washington, Bill sanctioned Ron Brown hit...

Obama cut a deal with Hillary whereby she became SoS, agreed not to use the DNA report...

Hillary ratted on Michael Hayden for holding back DNA, Hillary got back by getting Leon Panetta in as CIA head...

Rudy Giuliani sat on information due to his own marital issues(mistress), Gov. Pataki also mentioned...

Obama is not even an American citizen, says Germany pulling Obama's strings...

Says Pentagon sitting on DNA report, Obama's Fulbright Scholarship, his time at Occidental, born in Kenya...

Obama born in Mombasa, Kenya on August 4, 1960, mother Muslim, possibly Asian, certainly Arab blood...
You be the judge!

Hillary Clinton is guilty of TREASON and is a TRAITOR!
I was a life-long Democrat before usurper Obama ran for office illegally in 2008, now I will never vote for another Democrat, EVER!
Democrats and Republicans are guilty of TREASON and are all TRAITORS!
They have allowed a usurper to run the country into the ground.
Bullets in the head for all convicted TRAITORS!

What does a usurper believe?
pResident  Obama is threatening to veto a law that would allow Congress to sue him in federal courts for arbitrarily changing or refusing to enforce federal laws because it "violates the separation of powers" by encroaching on his pResidential authority.
Congress must sue the pResident to have the standing to make the usurper follow his own damn laws???
This is the Constitututional crisis America was warned about!

Wake the fuck up Âmerica!
We are in the midst of a takeover of the country and the dismantling of our constitutional republic. Why many prominent conservatives shy away from articulating this, I am not certain, but every one of Obama’s policies, actions and, lately, edicts have negatively impacted the United States of America in precisely the way communists have stated for the last hundred years that they would bring about an oligarchical collectivist state in America.
Time to push back against the regime
Exclusive: Erik Rush asserts 'most Americans ... cannot even conceptualize what lies ahead'

Barky seals his records as soon as he gets into the White House--
Obama's first act as President EXECUTIVE ORDER 13489 banning release of any of his records
The Betrayal: Executive Order 13489. Obama bans access to his records the first day in office with this executive order
PDF Version download:

When I call a mixed person a cracker-nigger, am I being racist against his Black or White side, and if he says he is Black while totally dismissing his White side of his family, does this make him racist as well?
Lick, Lick, Lick. In The Head!

So far, every lawsuit challenging Obama's presidential eligibility has been either denied without comment or dismissed on a technicality -- lack of standing, lack of jurisdiction, mootness, etc. So far, neither the Supreme Court nor any other court has considered, in an open hearing, the actual substance or merit of any of these cases. Although some judges have expressed personal opinions, or dicta, regarding Obama's eligibility, no court -- as of the time of this writing -- has ruled on whether or not Barack Obama is a Constitutional natural born citizen.
It appears that a deal may have been struck before the 2008 election to keep eligibility issues out of the Mainstream Media spotlight between the Republicans and the Democrats.
For the first time in U.S. History, the American people had the choice of choosing between 2 INELIGIBLE candidates.

McCain had the required U.S. citizen parentage, but technically was not born in U.S. controlled territory, as he was born in Panamanian territory instead, and therefore was not a Constitutionally eligible candidate.

Obama has not definitively proven his alleged FANTASY Hawaiian birth beyond a reasonable doubt, or to the exclusion of all other locations such as Kenya, and cannot be a Constitutionally eligible candidate, as his father was never a U.S. citizen.

Congress, with the help of future usurper Obama's input, passed Senate Resolution 511 declaring McCain to be a Constitutionally eligible candidate.

That same Congress refused to deal with Obama's eligibility issue, and subsequently the Media and the courts have refused to report on or investigate the issue as well.

All court cases filed have been refused to be heard by the courts on procedural grounds such as lack of standing and political question.
All cases have been ended, denied, or dismissed, without any case ever being heard on the merits.

It would be easy to give McCain the benefit of the doubt, because Panama never claimed to have any citizenship rights on McCain.

Obama on the other hand volunteered the information to Congress, the Media, the courts, and the American people, that he was a dual citizen at birth due to his Father being a British/Kenyan citizen, and that by virtue of that fact that he himself was born a dual British/Kenyan citizen as well.

Obama is a Constitutional lawyer who worked on legislation concerning Electoral fraud as a Senator before running for the Presidency, and knew that he did not meet the eligibility criterion as a Natural born citizen, but also knew that the term had never been defined by the Constitution, Congress, or the Supreme Court.

He fooled the SHEEPLE by calling himself a Native born citizen, despite his refusal to even prove that as a fact and that alone placated the SHEEPLE.

Obama is a usurper and he knows it, even if you SHEEPLE do not.

Mario, do you believe that Director Fukino had the statutory authority to proclaim that Obama was a Natural born citizen in an official statement?


Abercrombie knew that he wasn't permitted under law to disseminate the information before he said he would torpedo the Birthers by releasing the information.

Abercrombie indicated what was on record was papers, a birth notation, or a written type of affidavit, NOT an "original long form birth certificate".
He went the Hospital to search for records with a search warrant and found nothing.

1. Why didn't Abercrombie call the document by its most commonly used name of an "original long form birth certificate" if he actually saw it, or even what Fukino called it, an original birth certificate, or Vital Records?
The fact that Abercrombie used 3 entirely new terms to describe the alleged document means that he never actually saw the document.

2. Why can't Abercrombie find the document that Fukino has said she seen?
If he had found the document, he would have called the document by its most commonly used name.
He also would have told us that he indeed viewed the document, but he did not do so because he did not find the document.

3. How come no one from Hawaii DOH or the Hawaiian Government, has called the document allegedly on file by its most commonly used name of an "original long form birth certificate", instead calling the document an original birth certificate, Vital Records, papers, a birth notation, or a written type of affidavit?

4. How come no one from Hawaii DOH or the Hawaiian Government will authenticate Obama's released short form birth certification even when specifically asked to do so?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Why don't you answer the enumerated questions this time DIP-SHIT?

Permit me to hint, you should break your filthy addiction to Obama ASS-CRACK so that you will not suffer withdrawal symptoms in 2012 when the cracker-nigger will lose his ass, and the Democratic Party may be euthanized because of Obama's usurpation when the TRUTH does come out.

TRUTH, The Obama SHEEPLE Antidote!

Thank you for the bad judge-its, SHEEPLE.
At least you prove that I am consistent.
I know that you recognize that I am persistent.

TRUTH, The Obama SHEEPLE Antidote!

Well you would, BE EXPECTED TO, SHEEPLE!
Now tell us, who the fuck are you?
Oh, and why should I give a flying-fuck anyway?
Do you ever have anything to say, that can be even remotely seen as a sign of any intelligence being possessed by you?
What other non-answer, fact devoid, non refutation of claims made, obfuscatory, brain-dead, mind-blown, GARBAGE do you have for us next?

Yes, you are a Brain-Dead Mind-Fucked Imbecilic Retard addicted to Obama ASS-CRACK and you prove it with every post you make.
You will believe anything that you are told to believe despite having no evidence that what you are being told is without question the absolute truth.
You require no proof because you have suspended disbelief and disengaged common sense.
In fact, you astound common sense.

A flawed an incorrect decision from three idiot judges based on the Wong Kim Ark case, in which Ark was determined to be a CITIZEN, and the 14th Amendment, which cannot, and has not ever created a Natural born citizen.
Both points only prove that one is a citizen, NOT a Natural born citizen.

Those 3 idiot judge claims that this decision and legislation together equal proof of something that neither confirm, that some one is a Natural born citizen.

The 14th Amendment was written after the Constitution was ratified, and the meaning for what constitutes a Natural born citizen was already known by the Founding Fathers, and accepted by them before the ratification of the 14th Amendment, so the 14th Amendment has no bearing on what constitutes a Natural born citizen.

Friday, March 21, 2014


Bullets in the head for ALL convicted TRAITORS, including judges who failed to uphold the Constitution, IT MUST BE DONE! WE HAVE A USURPER!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Obama Eligibility Case Distributed for Conference at U.S. Supreme Court.

Just when you thought it had been settled.
Obama Eligibility Case Distributed for Conference at U.S. Supreme Court.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


As Sarah Palin would say. You Bet Ya!