Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Why vet Ben Carson so closely when oBama was given a pass???

Immigration plan?
Build the damn wall.
Start at the start, Enforce the laws already on the books, make it known that Illegals will be charged for the cost of their legal deportation along with all costs for food, welfare, healthcare, legal costs incurred for representation, transportation costs for their deportation, fines for breaking the law along with jail/prison costs associated with their committing the crime against America, Etc! We must MAKE IT KNOWN THAT COMMITTING A CRIME AGAINST America COMES WITH COSTS TO BE PAID FOR BY THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT and the way to avoid all costs is to COME LEGALLY!
Anybody got anything to add or questions?

Why vet Ben Carson so closely when oBama was given a pass???
Birther knows that oBama is a COMPLETE FRAUD! I only went to 10th grade and Grand Birther knows!

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